Posted by : Unknown
Friday, May 17, 2013
$100/day, 15 minutes of work !
$100/day with only 15 minutes of work!? HOW !?
I'm here to introduce NeoBux. Wait ! Before you leave, just hear me out, okay? You could be missing out on a gold mine here. NeoBux has been around for 5 years. That's 1,825 days and counting ! Some have been loyal since the start, and they've been rewarded. I myself have only been here for a year, and I'm earning $70.00 per day. That's right. $70 / day. I'm not lying, and I'm not alone. There are many others who are earning the same amount as I am, and even more ! Take a look at some of these stats. These are just 4 examples from countless hundreds who have been making it big.

As you can see, the first person (Top left) is one of the highest paid, if not then top 5 in NeoBux. Of course, all of this can't be achieved overnight. You have to be patient, and that's the key part about being successful here.
See that? That is the Paypal account of the person from the top right. He / She had slowly built their bank using only NeoBux, and it isn't even the main income. NeoBux is designed as a side-income method friendly to users of all ages and background, and even from any country ! I'm a Malaysian, and I've met quite a few fellow countrymen who are in the process of making it big on NeoBux.
I'm really serious here. Dont think I'm lying, because you haven't tried it yet and many will swear on NeoBux. Allow me to explain the process of how everything works. You'll be happy and thank me later once you've realized the potential :]
Let's begin with the basics
1. - Creating an account -
First off, you'd want to create an account on NeoBux. Just click on the banner below. It will redirect you to the official NeoBux website. I'd really appreciate it if you could use the banner below to register, because then we'd both get to benefit together. I earn ♥, you earn $.
Also note that NeoBux pays out using Paypal, Payza or Liberty Reserve, so make sure you have an account in either of them and remember to enter it in when you're registering. This is to ensure your cash-outs are paid to the correct account and person.
2. - Start earning $ -
Once you've done registering, log in. On the top of the page, you will see something like this :
Those colourful buttons on the side are advertisements that you can view to start earning $. The purple and grey coloured ads are worth about $0.001 each, orange at $0.010 and the AdPrize button is a lottery. Every time you view an advertisement, you get money and a Bonus Pack. These Bonus Packs contain 3 chances each to win a prize in the daily lottery. Prizes range from $0.010 to $50, and the difficulty to obtain the better prizes increases exponentially. The Offer tab allows you to complete Mini Jobs that pay out between $0.004 - $0.010 each, or complete offers for NeoCoins and NeoPoints. NeoCoins can be exchanged for money, and NeoPoints can be used for referrals (More on that later).
Use the forums to chat with fellow NeoBux members, or use the Chat button to ask for help from the Tech Support guys. FAQ contains the usual questions you might have.
Now, you must be wanting to start. Click on the 'View Advertisements' button, and you'll be brought to a page full of ads, ready to pay out.To view an ad, simply click the advertisement you wish to view, and correctly click the image (to prevent bots) which will then open a new tab of the advertisement. You must stay on this page until the yellow loading bar at the bottom of the screen is complete and turns green. This signals that you have successfully viewed the advertisement and have been compensated accordingly. You can now exit the tab and return to the advertisements page. You will notice that the ad you previously clicked has turned gray. This means that you can no longer receive money for viewing that one ad. (Obviously if you were able to, then people would be getting infinite money from viewing one ad infinite times.) Complete this cycle with each available advertisement and you'll have quite a starting stack. Remember the name of the name : Patience.
As you may have noticed, there is also a button labeled AdPrize. AdPrize is basically a lottery where you can view advertisements and get a chance at winning money, Neopoints, or even a premium membership. For every regular advertisement you view, you are given 3 AdPrize chances. Clicking Advertisements is the easy part. Now here comes the hard part. You're probably thinking, "WTF? How can I make $100 USD a day if I only get a measly $0.001 for my work!?” This is where the real money starts coming in.
3. -Referrals-
Referrals are basically the only way you will be getting large sums of money from this site. It is impossible for 1 person to get money from clicking ads for pennies. You will need to invest your money in referrals.
There are two types of referrals. Direct, and Rented. Direct referrals are people who have signed up under your referral link and are yours for as long as they exist/aren't banned. Rented referrals are users who do not have a referrer or who were a direct referral that was sold to Neobux. The difference between the two is that rented referrals have a price. Rented referrals are people you “rent” who do the work for you. Similar to an employee, you pay them a monthly salary in order to keep them under you. Now, this is why we have
been painstakingly clicking ad after ad after ad. Eventually, you will have accumulated $1.00 in your account.
You may want to cash this out and say “OMG, I HAVE 1 DOLLAR”. DO NOT do this! What you do with this dollar is what will start off your stream of income. Head over to the rented referrals page, which can be located on your profile. Here is where you can “rent” users to do your bidding. The smallest package
available is a pack of 3 referrals, which costs $0.60. Buy this. Congratulations! This is your first big step to your goal. You now have 3 rented referrals in your account. What to do with them? There is no way of knowing which user you will get as a referral. The choosing process is entirely random. The only way for you to know which referral is a “good worker” is for you to keep track of them and how often they do their job.
Referrals will give you an income daily based on how much they click. While 3 referrals seems to be such a small number, this is only the beginning. In order for you to keep your referrals working for you, you must pay a monthly “rent.” Of course, they won't be working for you for free y'know. This leads to another important function, AutoPay. AutoPay is a function that takes a small percentage of each referral's clicks and puts them towards the monthly rent. This function is a must, and is turned ON by default. Okay, so back to the referrals. 3 referrals. Keep managing these referrals and watching their click average. You can view your rented referrals on the same page you purchased them from. Basically, a “good” worker will have a click average of somewhere above 2.5. These are the ones you should keep. A bad referral has a click average in the low area, from around 1.5 and below. These should be recycled.
Recycling is replacing that referral with another referral at the cost of $0.07. Although it may seem like a waste of 7 cents, this is the only way you will be able to have a good work force and generate money.
Whenever you have the money, use it to buy another package of referrals. Continue to monitor these referrals just like the other ones, recycling them if necessary. You can also extend a referral's usage period. If you extend their usage period by at least 30 days, you get a discount on the monthly price. This way you can generate the most profit from them.
Continue on this cycle of renting more and more referrals as you have the money. Soon, you will have hundreds of referrals in your account. More referrals means more clicks. More clicks means more money. More money means profit! It doesn't stop there however. You can purchase premium packages which provide large benefits to your money. When you have $90.00 you can purchase a Golden Package which lasts for a year. This increases the amount of money from advertisements and from referrals, speeding up your income. Eventually, your number of referrals will start snow-balling. Soon, it will hit the 4-digit mark. This is where you start getting a lot of money. When you have around 2000 referrals with a Golden Package, you can now cash out at around $50.00 PER DAY, as long as you keep your referrals maintained and paid for. Think about the possibilities after you have reached this milestone. Keep investing money, and soon you will hit 5000 referrals. Maybe even 10,000 if you are willing. Remember that person on the top left corner? He has 28,000 referrals. Twenty-eight thousand. Patience is the name of the game.
- Clicking the banners below will direct you to the official NeoBux website -
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